This Road leads towards the unknown…
This story is not about business. It is also not about money, profits, products or any other traditional indicators of success. This story was born from courage and it is about the journey. This is a fairytale story…
This is the Road which we have stepped into a while ago. Why? Because we decided that instead of searching for happiness, we would rather create it for ourselves and for others. We want to control our destiny and by doing so we can have an impact on our future. We don't know exactly where we are heading to, but we want to follow this Road, as we believe it will lead us to the places we have never been…
Does it happen in a real world that an entity which does not even formally exist is asked by one of largest companies in the world to organize an event for 800 people from all over the world? Probably not. But it happened. And it was not because of the company itself. It was rather because of the employees of Procter&Gamble, who had enough trust in us to place their money and the whole organization of the XXV P&G Football World Cup in our hands. We understood that these are some special people. We could have not let them down and we didn’t…
We have now partners and friends all over Europe and even beyond. The organizers of the biggest and most spectacular tournaments in the world. People with amazing stories, experiences, visions and ambitions. They don’t know us much yet, but they are open to us and they want to deal with us. Is this a reason to celebrate? No. We understand that this is not for granted. Now it’s our turn to repay the trust. There is lots of work that needs to be done and we are up to the challenge…
We might be just a small boat sailing through the ocean. Why should we succeed without resources like money? Well, we might not have much of it, but we are rich. Our capital is not measured in any currency though. And actually it has much more value than the money has. It was born from courage and now it’s been raised on four pillars: people, teamwork, leadership and heart…
People are an asset. Everybody knows, but not everybody understands. People are special creatures. Unlike computers or robots, people got emotions. They have got minds much more powerful than any processors and they have got hearts. The people who have decided to join this Road are not asked to bring anything else. That’s all what is expected as long as they want to follow this journey altogether…
We are a Team. In this team there many stars. Actually we are all stars, but not conventional ones. When one look at sports competition, there are stars who shine. There is a spotlight for them. There is also money and fame. All this is not what we are looking for. Stars might be shining but those are teams who win the trophies. Rather then searching for individual glories we want to focus on building our own team spirit. Together much stronger we are and it’s much more fun to share the journey too…
Leaders believe that leadership is about themselves. Their skills, charisma, some unique qualities. That might be true in many places but not here. On this Road, the leadership is not about who leads, it’s about the people who want to follow. Without that group, a leader is a lonely person, who has nowhere to go. People choosing to follow the leadership towards uncertainty show much courage, faith and trust to the vision, cause they know the leader will not let them down…
Heart. Is this is a word that belongs to business? Probably not. But this is not about business. Heart is what connects us. It makes people believe. Makes people trust each other. It helps us to do things that our mind cannot envision. Hearts make champions. And we want to be champions. We want to have hearts with enough courage to get there…
We follow our own Road and we are searching for friends and not for enemies. However, whenever there is a success, there will also be jealousy. And not everyone wants to see us being successful. There might be people who fear, that they cannot be as good as we are. They will see us as a threat. They might even think that they can block the Road or knock us out of it. But even if they charge, they should understand that we will hold the ground. We will be standing still until they realize that we will not back down…
We might be a small boat on the ocean, but we are not afraid of the thunderclouds. And we will always find a way. And we will respond. Haters are going to hate, but this is not who we are. We play fair and with respect. And actually we understand that we need them. We want them to be present. They wake the competitive nature in us. And we are competitors. They might think that they push us to the brink, but instead they push us to do right this – bringing the best in us…
This Road leads towards the unknown, and this is right where we want to go. We don’t want to have it straight and easy. We want to have it diverse and challenging. Even though we expect many downs, we are also aware that from any bottom there is a way up, so we are prepared for climbing. And we are also learning to fly. Just in case if it is the sky which is the limit. Is this possible? Who knows, it’s a fairy tale after all…