About Academy
Road to Sport Academy was created to help kids realize their sports dreams. Academy's goal is to provide an all-round physical and social development of young people. Our program guarantees professional sports development by offering access to various sports disciplines and high quality motor development. We provide our program in order to prepare kids for success in whatever sport they choose to play in the future. We build a training culture in which kids learn many soft and interpersonal skills that are extremely important in their future professional lives.
Our mission is also to provide support for parents who want to accompany their kids on their sports journey. We want parents to be an integral part of the road. We strongly believe that achieving success in sport without family's support is extremely difficult - if not impossible. We monitor child's development process, we talk with parents and give feedback on strenghts and potential. We are aware that all parents want to support their kids. However, we see that not many organizations provide adults with knowledge on how to help their children grow. We make a difference.
Well-rounded group 7-10 years old
Volleyball group 11-15 years old
Through athletics we teach children correct movement patterns. In particular running, throwing and jumping, i.e. elements that are essential in virtually any sport.
Volleyball is a technical sport that teaches children attention to details. It being a team sport also teaches cooperation and team work.
Basketball is a sport that strongly combines individual skills with team work. In addition it is a dynamic and interestiong sport that gives children a lot of fun.
Football develops both kids' physical condition and technical skills. It also teaches team work and cooperation.
Every sport is interesting and offers something unique. We will present various sports so every child will have a chance to discover his own favorite sport and fall in love with it.
Development of strength, speed, endurance and coordination features is a basis for any sport. We teach kids movement awareness and correct movement patterns so they can cope with any sports discipline in the future.
Kids are taught the power and value team work. We create a culture of mutual support, cooperation and learning from one another. We believe that values ingrained at a young age stay with a person for the rest of life.
We believe in values like mutual respect, fair play, helping each other, constant pursuit of one's goals and never giving up on them. We teach that failures are just stepping stones to success.
Learning foreign languages at a young age is easiest. And when it happens while having fun, the development is even faster. At our practices we introduce elements of foreign languages, especially english.
We teach fundamentals. Two liters of water per day. Eating fruits and vegetables. 8 hours of sleep a day. We teach by good example. Water bottle is an essential element of every practice. Both for kids and coaches.